Green Trends

With the influx of eco-friendly movements and ideas, people are starting to look at going green as a mere fad or trend. However, what most people should realize is the fact that “going green” is an immediate concern and since a lot of individuals and companies are picking up on the “trend,” it’s something that is here to stay. Individuals can do a lot in saving the environment in their own little way. Do not expect yourself to do “super great things” that would immediately bring consequences for the environment. You can always start little and this is something that most firms and companies are doing.

Companies are starting their own initiative in creating “green offices.” These offices are not being green because it is a fad but because of the new concept known as “corporate social responsibility.” In this concept, companies are being viewed not as separate corporate entities but as something that is interrelated with the bigger ecosystem that also requires it to be responsible for every action that it takes. More and more offices are going green and all are doing their part in conserving our resources and helping the environment.

If you want to catch up with the trend and perform your responsibility to the environment, here are some green ideas that you can do to help save a couple of dollars and recreate your own office:

1. Recycling Resources

This is one aspect of business that every business owner should be aware of. There are a lot of ways how you can save on your resources, especially with paper. This could also be the start of your transition from a paper-based office to an eco-friendly company since a lot of papers are being used in your office and these papers can be used over and over again. For instance, instead of using fax machines, why not use online fax where you can choose which documents should be printed and which should be not? You can also use old papers (whose other side is not yet printed) to print office memos, meeting agendas, and other correspondences. Using email and sending documents as email attachments (or via online fax) can also save a lot of paper. As for photocopiers, try to copy on both sides of the paper and reproduce documents in the smallest size possible so you can cut down on your computer’s paper consumption.

2. Energy Saving Equipment

There is a lot of equipment in your office from computers to fax machines and coffee machines. When these types of equipment are not in use, you can shut them off or put them on standby mode (a state where it will use lesser energy and electricity). As for computers, it would be best to put your computer in sleep mode or hibernate if you are going away on a break since screen savers use more energy. You can also change your light bulbs into incandescent lights which saves a lot of energy but gives off the same amount of light.

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