SmartSort Technologies, Inc.
The Leader in Zero-Waste to Landfill Solutions.

Post-Consumer Waste
Post-consumer waste is waste consumed, and disposed of, after the point of purchase. There are a lot of companies who focus on at home recycling and compost solutions, and, we appreciate their contribution to the overall goals of a more sustainable future. At SmartSort, we took on the out-of-home recycling and composting needs turning a cost center into a profit center so we can achieve a more meaningful market adoption which ultimately leads to a higher volume of reusable materials for the manufacturing of goods.

Continental Data Aggregation
Regardless of where you live, we all need to do our part – and – with the United Nation’s Sustainability Goals, the world is moving toward aggregating and monitoring waste on a per country and per continent basis. Our System empowers single System data monitoring and aggregation up to a large collection of individual Systems, linked together across all stakeholders.

Data Affiliations and Reporting
Everything from large employers, cities, counties, states to your favorite sports teams which reside in a particular city and a sports league, such as the NFL, which traverses a country and or the world, in alignment with an association and brand managers, benefit from data affiliations and reporting. We empower everyone who elects to engage and link together as affiliations, to do so easily and consistently, for near real-time reporting and time-frame based reporting.

Waste Stream Efficiencies
Waste management is a critical component of facilities management and as such SmartSort made it a high priority to improve waste stream capacity communications and routing of trash pickers. This reduces contamination, improves overal cleanliness and appearance while ensuring all recoverable and reuseable materials make it to the appropriate materials recovery facility within the shortest period of time.

Sustainable Materials Management
Sustainable materials management, from a post-consumers point of view, begins at the trash bin. The SmartSort Sytem easily and quickly directs the individual to dispose of the waste object into the appropriate waste stream by providing visual cues. This process aids in our ability to understand contamination percentages and communicate with the appropriate staff to transport the reusable material to the appropriate collection center.

Source Separation
In partnership with the waste haulers, SmartSort feels source separation is best achieved when contamination can be reduced at the point of disposal and the recoverable material can be routed to the appropriate material recovery facility and reinserted back into the manufactured materials supply chain at the most optimum point of time. In order to accomplish this, the technology must work for the partnering parties and must not disrupt normal means of operation.